Faith is Super. Faith is Natural.
Gods invisible divine power is visible in nature (Romans 1:20)

Friday October 27
20.00-22.00 - An Apostolic call for Signs and Wonders
Saturday 28 October
10.00-12.00 - An Apostolic call for Baptism in the Spirit
13.00-15.00 - Coping with Disappointment
15.30-17.30 - Building a Faith Adventuring Community
Sunday morning (church service)
10.00-11.30 - Growing in Signs & Wonders
“Faith is to believe, what you do not see.”Augustine

Grantley & Floss Watkins
have been part of the Newfrontiers family since 1990 and have been planting churches for 27 years. They currently lead Hope Church Wymondham Norfolk UK which is the10th Church plant they have been involved in establishing. As well as local church leadership they run a School of Supernatural Life and serve the wider family of Relational Mission. They are seeing the regular occurrence of miracles and breakthrough and have been able to disciples many others into a similar naturally supernatural life. They have 3 children and six grandchildren that keep them very busy and wonderfully entertained.
Faith is so much more than what you can see, hear, smell, or even feel. It is more than the natural world surrounding us. God was there before humans or any visible thing were made. He is the source of all of life. Bigger. Greater. Superior. The church father Augustine said it this way: “Faith is to believe, what you do not see.”
That is what we mean by the term supernatural. The word supernatural comprehends the invisibility of faith, the invisible God and the visible world around us. It is Gods supernatural power that made everything we see. For the follower of Jesus there is the supernatural promise of the Holy Spirit. God inside you. The supernatural force of the Holy Spirit who enables you to live your life as a follower of Jesus. The supernatural challenge to step out in evangelism and to pray for sick people. The supernatural promise of signs and wonders. Seeing miracles such as people being healed. Signs as speaking in tongues, dreaming dreams and prophesy, which God gives supernatural by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are Relational Mission
Evangelische Kerk Utrecht is part of Relational Mission. Relation Mission is the name of our worldwide family of churches on a mission to tell people about Jesus, to make them followers of him and to plant churches. We do this work in the context of meaningful, real, relationships. As a family. We are a family believing that the person and the work of the Holy Spirit is priceless in the life of a follower of Jesus. Really, we would not be there as a family of churches without the active presence of the Holy Spirit living inside us! Also, we believe that however mature or even how sizeable a local church is, a local church hardly ever has all the ministries Ephesians 4 teaches about in place. In the Bible we believe we see a dynamic act out of mutual relationships between different churches, using each other’s unique ministry and talent. It truly is rich to know you are part of something far bigger then yourself…
Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit will work actively inside of us. Lead us. Help us. Empowering us to do exactly that what God calls us to. In the Book of Acts, in the Bible, we read that during his journey’s Paul bumped into a group of Christ followers and he asks them:
“Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They answered, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” 3 So Paul asked, “Then what baptism did you receive?” “John’s baptism,” they replied. 4 Paul said, “John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” 5 On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. (Acts 19:2-6, NIV)
These Christ followers were upright people! And their lives transformed after teaching about and receiving the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit changes everything. At Pentecost, in Acts 2, it changed orphaned, anxious, disillusioned followers of Jesus into a group of people who now knew deep down who their Father was, who were not afraid anymore and who received a clear and brand new perspective for their lives. The start of the church!
Weekend 27-29 October 2017
Evangelische Kerk Utrecht organises in partnership with Relational Mission in the weekend of 27-29 October an event with the theme: Faith is Supernatural. A team from Relational Mission with Maurice Nightingale and Grantley & Floss Watkins. They will serve us by teaching on the subjects:
An Apostolic call for Signs and Wonders
Time: 20:00-22:00Do we, as 21st century Christ followers, need to stretch out to this? If so, why?
Sign up!
During this event refreshments will be provided for. You can bring your lunch or make use of the facilities in the area. In order for a good preparation we ask you to sign up before Tuesday October 24th at: or by using the form on the right.
Entrance is free of charge. There will be an offering fully dedicated to meet the expenses of the organisation of this event. The Sunday morning service is, as any other Sunday, free accessible without signing up. Welcome!